This was pretty much my view the entire day!
We soaked up every ounce of relaxation you could fit into one day!
See, I'm not kidding!
Oh. I did roll over. That took effort.
(that's me in the red swimsuit - I'm sure I'm asleep at this point or would not have let a picture be taken at that angle!)
We did however EAT that last day. . .
just to keep our energy level up!
This was the incredible BRUNCH we woke up too!
And DINNER. . .
I see 6 people in our group and 12 plates. . .
Yep! We all ordered 2 dinners!
(and that didn't include the 3 appetizers, salad and 2 desserts I ordered to go along with my meal)
Good thing I was done putting on bathing suits for the trip!
Mostly, though we just realized how lucky we were to be able to spend time in such an incredible place with amazing friends. . .
and especially each other!