I took this picture a while ago.
They both just happened to walk into the room at the same time and I realized they were practically "twins".
I had to take a picture.
And then we got a little silly.
So I was reminded of this little photo shoot on Sunday.
You see this boy has been combing his own hair lately.
He doesn't want any help.
He doesn't want anyone watching him while he combs his hair.
And he is so proud of the final outcome when he is done.
So on Sunday, he of course had to comb his own hair again.
(I've come a long way in my parenting philosophies and I let him)
He looked ridiculous.
I'm not gonna lie.
But he was happy, so I was happy.
We all pile in the car to head to church and I hear from the back seat . . .
"um mom, mom, mom, I need you to turn the air conditioner off right now!"
I turn around and Kris has his hands up in front of his head blocking the air from hitting his hair.
"Why?" I ask.
"mom, mom, it's gonna mess up my hair."
Kyle gets in the car and turns the air back on.
I immediately turned the air off and say to my husband
"We have a bit of a problem. You see the air conditioner is messing up your son's hair."
To that my husband replied,
"It's uncanny what can pass through the umbilical cord."
No other words were needed and we all sweated our way to church.