Friday, August 5, 2011

What makes a Good Camping Trip?

We've spent a lot of time in the Great Outdoors this Summer and loved every minute of it!

So What Does Make A Really Good Camping Trip????

First you need a beautiful spot with a beautiful lake (and a kayak). . .

Then you need some good friends!
Thanks Lencioni's for putting up with us for another year. . .
and thanks to the Danielson's who stepped up and came at the last minute too!

And after that all you need is:

Water Fights. . .

And when water just doesn't cut it. . .
throw in some sand fights!

Brotherly Love?

Kayak Rides. . .

Yummy Food. . .

Naps. . .
(anywhere you can get them)

Dirty Feet. . .

No Rules. . .
(no seatbelt in this case)

Quirky, Crazy Moms!
Me in this case. . .

A little laughter. . .

Fun on the Dock. . .

Neighbors putting up tents in speedos!

And yes I do have a picture. . . and yes I thought about it posting it. . . but then refrained. It was bad enough to see it in person. I don't need to relive it here on the blog.
I don't suggest ever watching a grown man in a speedo put up a tent.
(and then maybe he put on a pair of gloves and starting cutting wood for the fire)
I can't make this stuff up I promise!

Giant Slingshots. . .
(for rocks. . . I'm not still talking about our neighbor)

Sugar Cereals. . .

Awesome Campfires. . .

Smores. . .

Ghost Stories by the Campfire. . .

And what camping trip wouldn't be complete without loading up your kids with sugar compliments of giant pixie sticks right before heading home?

Only when you're CAMPING!!!!

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