Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boys. . .

So I found this picture from a few weeks ago.
We were sitting in the family room when
Two seconds later I see Kris peek his head through the now broken screen door and say,
"It was invisible!"

Is it any wonder that this happened?

So here's the story behind Kristopher's injury:

The boys were out playing in the front yard and Kris comes running in the house holding his shoulder. I can tell he's hurt but he's not screaming out in pain in fact he's not even crying.
I asked him what happened and he told me that everyone had been playing the game where two people hold you by one arm and one leg and swing you up and down.
Kris got dropped. And he said his shoulder hurt.
He wouldn't let me touch it or even get near it.
He sat on the couch for awhile and I honestly figured he was fine.
We ate dinner and he grimaced every time he moved his shoulder.
Kyle got home and I asked him about it.
I think my exact words were
"If it were broken or dislocated he'd be screaming right?"
So we figured it was just sore and he was fine.
I headed out to a baby shower, and Kyle put him to bed.
When I got home I heard moaning from upstairs.
It was Kris. He was asleep but he was moaning in his sleep.
At this point I knew something wasn't right.
I actually woke him up that night and took him to the ER.

The ER doctor after examining him told me he was positive it was just bruised. That if it was broken he wouldn't be able to move it at all.
(That's what I thought. I thought to myself thinking I had just wasted $50 bucks!)
But they did an x-ray just to make sure.
So when the doctor came back in, looked at Kristopher and said,
"you are one tough little boy"
I knew it was not just bruised.
In fact it was broken. And pretty bad too. And the x-ray proved it.

Now luckily for Kris (and for mom) If you are going to break a bone. The collar bone (or clavicle) as Kris will tell you is the bone to break. They heal really fast on their own and you don't have to wear a cast!
So we were sent on our way with some heavy pain killers for the little dude and an appointment to see the Orthopedic doctor the next day.

Turns out the Orthopedic doctor is the same doctor we saw three years ago when Kris broke his arm and he even remembered Kris!

We were sent home with strict orders to wear a splint with an ace bandage wrapped tightly around his arm and body for 4 weeks and to "take it easy".

It hasn't slowed Kris down one bit, and the worst part for Kris through this whole thing is that he was wearing his class T-shirt the day it happened and the only way to get the t-shirt off was to cut it off.

So now to make a long story even longer. . .

As we are driving home from the Orthopedic doctor's appointment I get a phone call from Kale telling me his thumb had been stepped on at school, he can't move it and he thinks he needs to go to the hospital!

First of all, how does a thumb get stepped on and second of all it's a thumb you are not going to the hospital.
That's what I was thinking. I didn't say it out loud, but rather told him I was on my way home and I would look at it when I got there.

Now I will admit that thumb was nasty looking. It was already bruising and it was so swollen he couldn't move it, but I wasn't worried. It's just a thumb.

We wrapped it with ice and sent him to bed that night. . .
After getting a picture with my two unhappy injured children.

Well, the next day it didn't feel any better.
Or the next day so the next day I decided I better take him to the doctor just to make sure everything was OK.

Well, it wasn't OK and we had yet another x-ray to prove it.

So we were on our way again with a splint on the thumb at this point with another appointment to see the same Orthopedic doctor for the second time in one week.

Turns out we have a really cool Orthopedic doctor who didn't call CPS on us, but did give Kale the bad news that a cast was needed and that his Fall Ball season was over!

Kale tried to talk the nurse into letting him have Black and Orange stripes in honor of the Giants playing in the World Series, but he wouldn't do it. He had to choose one color.

And he chose BLACK!

So there it is.
The whole story.
Well I left out some of the drama. . . but maybe we'll get to that later.

I guess if I have to deal with two broken bones on two different children in one week. . .
A collar bone and a thumb are the way to go.

By December we'll be as good as new!


Kjerstin said...

Seriously, I'm kinda thinking that you and your boys are taking our share of the ER visits/broken bones/stitches. So, how does a thumb get stepped on?

Mills Family said...

Wow! I thought my boys were accident prone. Glad they are ok.

Ang said...

Wow!!! That is no fun. Hope they are feeling better.

jodie333 said...

What a week!! Poor kids I dont know how you do it, but you are amazing!!! Hope your feeling better kids!