Friday, October 29, 2010

So Inappropriate. . .

I have so much catching up to do . . .
like the entire month of OCTOBER!

But today I was sitting in the car waiting for a red light to turn green after enjoying an amazing little outing with my daughter to the Antique Trove.
She was so good and it was so fun to walk around with her and hear her talking about everything she sees. And there is a lot to see in that store. . .

Anyway, back to the car and the red light about to turn green. . .
I was thinking about how much I love being a mom.
And if you knew the week I had last week
(I will update you later)
That's saying a lot!

I was thinking about each one of my kids and how completely different they are and how that makes it hard for a mom. . . I have to react so different to each child in each situation. And that can be exhausting. And this week I am exhausted.

But then I thought. I CAN DO IT!
And I looked back at the week and everything that happened and I handled it. And I took care of each child like they needed to be taken care of.

And I was still thinking because the light was still red.
And I remembered a little incident that happened with Kale a few weeks ago.
I'm so glad I remembered it and I'm so glad I'm writing it down.

Kale came home from school and informed me that he had been teased again.
He walks home with a girl that lives down the street and for two years now, he has caught flak from some kids about it.

He handles it well, like the time he told the kids who were teasing him,
"Tiffany are I are more than just friends, but we are not in a relationship"
Glad he "handled" that one.

But this time he was upset.
I know I can't prod him even though I know he wants to tell me, but if I act like I'm not really that interested he'll tell me.
And that's what I did.

He proceeded to tell me through tears at this point that what was said was
"It was so inappropriate mom, I can't even tell you it's so inappropriate."

So I told him if he didn't want to say it out loud, maybe he could write it down for me.
I don't even need to tell you where my mind was going.
I was getting ready to have "the talk" all over again.

He tells me he will tell me and then says,

"Mooooom, they said maybe I should MARRY her! Moooom it is so inappropriate!"

I really tried not to laugh, but you can see my face right, trying hard to look sympathetic on the outside but laughing my guts out on the inside.

I love being a MOM!
And I smiled because I love my kids and because the light turned green!