Monday, January 30, 2012

You should come visit. . .

We treat our "guests" to the finest amenities available!

This is a spider I found in the dining room a few weeks ago.
I despise the little creatures.
Sorry, but I do.
But, I can't bring myself to dispose of them.
So this spider was treated to fine crystal until the "man of the house" got home and could dispose of him properly!
Thanks Kale!


About a week ago it was late and everyone had gone to bed.
I was still up. I was sitting on the couch watching TV and browsing Pinterest at the same time (I'm a good multi-tasker like that), and had my feet up on the ottoman!
Out of the corner of my eye I saw something dart from by the fireplace, under my feet and under the couch. It was a mouse. It was a fast mouse, but I knew it was a mouse.
I did the only thing I could think of.
I screamed. I screamed loud and my half asleep husband came darting in from the bedroom (fast, but not as fast as that mouse)!
Here's the funny part. I'm screaming at him that a mouse just ran under the couch, but I am helpless to move.
My feet are up on the ottoman and I am not about to put them down on the floor right in front of the couch and yet I am helpless in my "big belly state" to even move. I'm telling Kyle he has to lift me up. Yeah right. . . all this dead weight. Somehow and I'm sure it wasn't pretty I was able to somewhat "roll???" myself onto the couch where I immediately jumped off and headed to the nearest chair. . .

Kyle wasn't amused.
He got the broom handle and started swiping under the couch. Nothing came out.
There was a little bit of murmuring about
"food in the family room" "I've been telling everyone this would happen" "That's why you've got to enforce the rule that we eat in the kitchen. . . "
I wasn't really listening. I was watching for that little mouse.

Long story,
after lifting the couch up and taking off every last cushion. . .
there was no sign of the little mouse.
Just remnants of pens, pencils, dart gun darts, and wrappers littering my family room floor.

Kyle didn't believe me.
We went to bed and all night I kept thinking about our little house guest.

The next morning all was normal.
No sign of the little one.

Kyle did call me once during the day and asked me how my "day with Mickey" was going. I might have hung up on him.

For 2 days I tried to convince myself that it was just a shadow.

The 3rd day I found myself up alone again. We had had movie night and after everyone had gone to bed, I picked up a little and noticed one piece of popcorn left on the family room carpet. I decided to leave it there. As a trap kinda. If it was still there in the morning I would be convinced that in my pregnant state I had "thought" I had seen a mouse, but if it was gone in the morning I would know we had ourselves a house guest.

Guess what. It was gone.
Kyle was on his way to buy some traps.

The next morning, my middle son, came into our room and announced that the trap said

Sure enough. Though I had no desire to check for myself, my husband informed me that we had indeed caught a little brown mouse.

Though my husband would like to blame our unexpected guest on the carelessness of our children in leaving the doors open and leaving food all around. . . I have a better theory. See the night he showed up at our house happened to be the same night I made the most amazing stir fry. The smell was intriguing especially for a little mouse. He just wanted in on some of our dinner.

Now just so you don't get the wrong idea.
Our house isn't always perfect.
Sometimes we have our bad days. . .

I can prove it.


1 comment:

Mills Family said...

Too funny! Not a big fan of spiders or mice either. Didn't you know that our celestial mansions are going to be haunted with all the spiders and mice we killed on earth. 8) Loved the sign on the front door. I need one of those.