Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday Drives

I miss them. . .
We used to take them all the time. . .
especially when we lived in Utah.
Ogden Canyon I miss you.

Now it sometimes feels like sundays are full of meetings. . . oh wait, "opportunities for spiritual enlightenment" (thank you Elder Bednar)

So on Sunday when we got out of Stake Conference at noon we took advantage and went on a beautiful Sunday Drive.

I thought we would find some Fall Colors,
but then I remembered we live in California and while there are some trees that do change color I am used to the entire mountainside changing and I miss it.

I did try to catch on film some of the color we did see.

Surprisingly my kids didn't object when I made them all sing church songs at the top of our lungs.

Well, maybe one objected, but she objects to just about everything.

And this one just fell asleep.

And just like in Stake Conference a few hours earlier she stayed awake until about 8 minutes before the meeting was over and before we pulled into the driveway.

1 comment:

jodie333 said...

Oh I love the fall colors too. It makes me think of driving sing tricks on the mountain. I wish I could remember the entire song. Do you know it?