Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kody. . . 2 Months Old

Kody Dalan Jibson

2 Months Old

Kody turned 2 months on Mother's Day.

It was during this second month that I really noticed him starting to change.
His eyes could talk to me when he looked at me and I was captivated.

I was still trying to cherish every little moment I had with him, but life was getting busier and busier all around us. We were at the ball field at least 4 nights a week and with the end of school brought papers and projects and finals, and field trips and class plays and life was busy.

And yet. . . every once in awhile I would capture a moment like this and remember that with everything going on around me I had a little miracle growing up right before my eyes.

He started to love his "tummy time"!

One of my favorite things at this point was that even at 2 months old Kody had a way of letting me know that he kinda liked me.

No matter where he was and no matter where I was if he could hear my voice he would find me.
I loved it.
Whether it was this day in his swing where he is arching his little back and neck to find me talking on the phone or if he was in someone else's arms and I was talking he would bend his little head to make sure he could see me.

i love him.

And the little boy still didn't want to miss anything.
I'm telling you he would fall asleep with one eye open almost every time.

 But he loved to be held, cuddled, and loved.
And I didn't mind one bit doing the holding, cuddling and loving!

 He also became a big fan of the Bjorn!

(I know the new trend is the sling, but this bad boy got me through 3 previous babies and I couldn't bear the thought of not giving the 4th the same opportunity)

This is my favorite time of Motherhood and I took every opportunity this time around to love it one last time!

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