Monday, November 4, 2013

6 months late . . .

So, I was uploading pictures to the computer which got me distracted and I spent the next few minutes scrolling back through months of pictures. . .
So fun.
But, it made me realize just how far back I haven't gone with this little blog of mine.
I'm ok with it.
I have way bigger things to feel "mom guilt" over than not keeping up with my blog,
but I do love the outlet this little blog gives me so before the holidays and before I start blogging about fall again I am determined to prove we had a summer. . .

Found this fun one . . .

and I realized I blogged all the way through Kody's first year except for his 10th, 11th, and 12th month!

So we will start there!


Oh this boy. . .
He began to really give hugs and become super cuddly and I loved every minute of it!


At this age he kept us very busy. . . 

But when he smoothered me with kisses it was all worth it!


Could not believe how fast that first year went!
I was convinced I had the happiest baby in the whole world.

He loved to play!
(and he learned how to take his diaper off. . . If he didn't have pants on. . . his diaper wouldn't last long on either!

One of my favorite pictures. 
Because he has three of his favorite things:
grandpa, outside and baseball!

So we fast forward a few months to today!

We take a lot and I mean a lot of these!
And he loves them.
All you have to say is "bath" and he runs right for the bathroom!

It's easy to see why he needs all the baths. . .
he is happiest when he is outside and dirty!

But then the boy loves his bed! 
Almost as much as he loves his bottle!

These little eyes have opened mine to what Motherhood is all about!

It only took me 12 years and 4 kids to figure it all out.
(OK I probably don't have it all figured out. . . )
but 12 years ago I would have stressed out about blogging this post 6 months late. . .
but not now!
I have learned to enjoy the little moments. I have learned to be happy even when chaos is all around me. I have learned just how quickly my children will grow up. I have learned what joy it brings me watching my other children have just as much fun with this little boy as I have! 
I have learned just how much I miss my mom.
I have learned that being a mom gets harder and better at the same time.
I have learned to LOVE being a mom!

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