Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Town Hall Meeting

Tonight I attended a Town Hall Meeting.

First of all, before I even left for the meeting I tried to get ahold of Barbara Boxer to find out exactly what I should wear to the town hall meeting. 
(I mean I didn't want to dress too nice for one of "these" meetings ya know)
She never got back to me.

So off I went.
And apparently I wasn't alone.

And I soon realized that it didn't matter what I was wearing.
I NEEDED A SIGN, just to fit in.

This one was one of my favorites,
and I happened to be sitting next to him.
(I didn't agree with him. . . he had printed out questions that he had me read over, but I did like his sign)

These ladies were sitting up above me.
(That is my hair, I was taking the picture incognito)

But after scanning the crowd for the perfect sign.
I found it with this lady.
I wished I had brought a flag.

Now this next lady didn't have a sign.
She had a mask.
And she wore it the entire time she was there 
(except for when she gave a 10 minute conspiracy theory dealing with the government and swine flu)
It was a little weird, I'm not gonna lie. I was a tad bit embarrassed for her.
And this lady had an interesting sign she showed off many times during the meeting.
And it wasn't the large yellow one in front of her.
Her sign she carries with her all the time in the shape of her middle finger.
And believe me, she wasn't afraid to show it to us all!

But really the best sign of the night came from Congressman McClintock.
This sign represents the proposed health care plan.
I can't even tell where it starts and ends.
I think he said 39 (now don't quote me please) new government agencies would be created to oversee health care.

It was absolutely a heated debate.
People are genuinely concerned, excited, fearful, motivated, and VOCAL about this issue!

I did see one more sign as I was leaving the meeting.
It was an elderly gentlemen, he was by himself.
He held the door for me as I left,
and his little homemade sign said,

"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free"


Natierae said...

Thats awesome!!! That chart is absolutely ridiculous-not confusing in the least bit. Think you'll go again?

Molly said...

Crazy wild experience I bet. Good for you for going. I love the last line of your post! Love it!

Marie said...

Go Kaylynn! I'm so glad you went and did your part. I did not attend ours here, but should have. I wish the government would stop trying to take over our lives and spend all our money. It drive me crazy if I think about it too much. Grrr!