Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last Day Of School

They did it! 
They made it through another school year!

Kale made Honor Roll for the Third Trimester!

Here's what his teacher wrote on his report card for this trimester. . .
"Another great trimester for Kale! He has been one of the most determined student I've had in years. I'm so proud of him. Congratulations for making the honor roll. I've really enjoyed working with Kale this year!"

Here he is with all his buddies after the assembly!

Here is Kris with his Amazing Teacher this year!
Don't get me started about the red eyes. . .

Maybe this will explain them!

And for those of you who know me pretty well, knows it takes a lot to get me to cry. I have become really good at holding emotions in. . .
but I was crying today at the end of kindergarten.
Not because it was the end of kindergarten.
I'm excited for Kris to move up in this world,
but his teacher got down on her hands and knees and went to each child in the circle and talked to each one of them individually (I have no idea what she said) and then hugged each child!

It was really touching!

We had a great year!
And are ready for a great SUMMER!


Kjerstin said...

It's so much easier to trust your precious children with people who truly care about them. What an amazing teacher!

Anonymous said...

I want to reach out and give Kris's teacher a hug RIGHT NOW!!! She is such a caring loving teacher who really gets on the level of her kids. What a wonderful example she is to each of them.