Friday, June 18, 2010

Rivercats Little League Day!

I can pretty much sum up baseball season this year with one picture. . .
It was an absolutely rainy season.
We've never had so many rain out games,
and the same can be said for Rivercats Day this year!

In fact, when we pulled into the parking lot we had to stay in our car for a good 15 minutes while rain poured down all around us.
There was a split second where we thought we should abandon the entire idea!
But we braved it, bought a few umbrellas, and geared up for a good time!

Most of the game we spent snuggled up. . .

But we did brave the parade where the players walk around the field!

The cold weather must have affected my husband's picture taking ability because these pictures are really bad!

Here are the brave souls from Kris's team that decided to show up!

And that's Kale. Not letting the weather get his spirits down.
(Actually the weather cleared up for the parade)

The kids ventured out of the blankets for brief moments until they realized it was too cold!

Even Kris thought it was worth it to get out from under the blanket to try to catch a foul ball!
We may not have been prepared for the rain, but you can't say I didn't bring enough PEANUTS!

This is Kris under the blanket. He spent 90% of the game under there.

I thought he might be asleep, but when I called his name he peeked out and turns out. . .

He's doing what your supposed to do at a baseball game!

And even though we had every intention of leaving early, we actually made it until the bitter end and watched the fireworks after the game.

Last year I complained that it was too blazing hot. . .
This year I am complaining that it was too blasted cold. . .
Next year it should be perfect weather!

1 comment:

kathleen Jibson said...

You made my night! I loved all the pictures of your adventure to the River cats game. Love you all. G'ma xoxxo